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I am a botanist and microbiologist deeply interested in the study of the below ground interactions between plants and their associated microbial communities. My field of research includes the study of the co-evolution between mycorrhizal fungus and seed plants, the mechanisms driving the variation in functional root traits and the impacts of different root strategies on ecological processes like soil carbon accrual and species coexistence. I work in multiple ecosystems, with an especial emphasis in tropical forests. I also use botanical garden collections to address ecological questions. I have ample experience teaching classes to a wide diversity of target groups ranging from elementary and middle schools to graduate student dissertations and abroad studies. My ultimate goal is to incorporate the below ground component as a central topic of discussion, consolidating root ecology as a standalone field in ecology.





NEBEDIV (Amazon Tree Diversity)Sustainable Chemistry

Understanding the patterns in tree diversity and functional trait distribution in Amazon tropical forests


We propose the first free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment assessing the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on the ecology and resilience of the Amazon forest:

Jun 2015 - Jun 2017

Kent State University 

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Jan 2015 - May 2016

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia

Post-Doctoral Fellow

2003 - 2006

Iowa State University

Research Assistant 

Comparative anatomy and morphology of leaves, roots and wood of Rhododendron

We are investigating variation in leaf, wood and root structure and trait coordination across genus Rhododendron using a phylogenetic comparative approach. We collected samples from plants growing in two botanical gardens: Holden Arboretum (a cold climate for Rhodys, with high seasonality) and The Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden (a mild climate for Rhodys, with low seasonality).

Rhizopolis: Exploring global variation in fine-root traits

- Bringing together multi-species fine-root trait datasets (-> links to the FRED-db)
- Making sense of diverse root sampling methods and their implications
- Disentangling the global drivers of species fine-root trait variations
- Exploring the context-dependency of root trait syndromes

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